Step-by-step guide

Guide - PDF format

How to use Altwin with the Revuto app and Bet on Sports Events with Crypto?

Step 1. – Download the Revuto app for mobile devices.
Step 2. – Register with the Revuto app and create a crypto wallet.
  • Follow the easy steps to register.
  • Check your email (+ spam folder) to get the confirmation code.
  • Store your 24-word seed phrase in a safe place so you can always restore your wallet.
Step 3. – Get REVU tokens to your crypto wallet in the Revuto app.
  • Get REVU on crypto exchanges (Kucoin or and send them to the Revuto wallet.
  • Receive REVU from other wallets to your Revuto wallet address.
  • Buy REVU directly from the Revuto App with debit or credit cards.
Step 4. – Send REVU tokens to Altwin from your crypto wallet.
  • Send a minimum of 500 REVU to Altwin directly from the Revuto wallet.
  • On average, the transaction will take 15 mins. to confirm on the Cardano blockchain and Altwin.
  • Check notifications to confirm the transaction.
Step 5. – Log in with Altwin and place your bet in REVU.
  • Check the email from [email protected] (check spam folder).
  • Use credentials (one-time password) from the email to log in with Altwin.
  • Place your first bet by creating a ticket on Altwin.
Step 6. – Withdraw funds from Altwin to your wallet in Revuto.
  • Withdraw a minimum of 1000 REVU to the Revuto wallet.
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